Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Quick Update

Hello everyone!
I thought I would give you a quick update about where I stand currently in my exchange program to New Zealand. Two weeks ago I received a call from my AFS coordinator Hannah Lee. She informed me that AFS New Zealand was now in the process of finding a host family, and a host school for my time abroad. I was super excited when I received this information, but quickly disappointed when her follow up statement was, "Now this is when the waiting game begins." Finding a host family that fills all of the appointed criteria, and fits every need of the exchange student can be a lengthy process. Best case scenario, I will find out where I am living, and with whom in approximately two months. Worst case scenario, I don't receive any information until a few weeks before my departure. Therefore I am hoping and praying for the best, but preparing for the worst. In any case, whenever I am gifted with the information all my readers will be the first to know!(:

On a different note, I would like to say thank you to all of my sponsors. Every penny donated I consider a blessing, and I am so grateful! Again, a huge thank you too;
  • Robin and John Campbell
  • Uncle Mark and Aunt Sherry Sanders
  • Pete Kraft
  • Uncle Alva and Aunt Cathy Corley
  • Uncle Steve and Aunt Dru Hansen
  • Uncle Charles and Aunt Jean Kelley
  • Shane and Jennifer Cryer
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my blog.
Skylar Corley